Yearling Sale
Our yearling catalogue is taken very seriously and has been designed especially for Heifer and or Cow mating.
I believe it is extremely important that a heifer calves easily to prolong her lifetime and profitability in your herd. Since using Genomics to increase the accuracy of our EBV’s we haven’t assisted or weighed a calf out of our yearling heifers over 33kg this season and as a Stud breeder I believe it is our duty to provide all available science and information to give the most accurate EBV’s I possibly can.
Until Genomics, EBV’s have been derived by adding the sire & dams EBV’s together and then halving them to give an average, but in reality just like two human siblings, there is going to be a huge variation. Genomics allows us to see via a tissue sample of DNA what individual birth, growth and carcass traits that animal has received from their sire, dam or even grandsire/granddam
Here at Sudeley we will not purchase any stud sires that haven’t had their Genomics analysed, because without Genomics the EBV’s can be significantly different and inaccurate.
All Bulls and Heifers in this sale team have had their Genomics analysed and Sire/Parental verified.
Annually we add a selection of heifers to the catalogue. These heifers are from our retained heifer line and are only offered to commercial farmers to prevent stud breeders and prac recording programs from using some of our best genetics, a great opportunity for the commercial farmers to tap into some top pedigrees & performance.
All yearling bulls & heifers have been vaccinated with Bovillis BVD, BVD tested negative, 10 in 1, long acting selenium, copper bullet and Eclipse injection. An annual booster of Bovilis BVD should be given in August annually.